Keep track of your Scouts’ progress and make sure to report to the Nevada Area Council when they advance.
Read the Advancement News for updates and information on advancement topics, awards, and policies and much, much more.
- Read Current Newsletter – May-June 2023 Newsletter
- Read Past Issues of the Newsletter
Advancement Reports
In order to ensure each Scout’s achievements are properly recorded and to ensure that all of our Scouts are properly registered with the Nevada Area Council, purchase of recognition and advancement items must be accompanied by a completed and approved advancement form. Online advancement forms (National’s Internet Advancement and/or Scoutbook) must be linked to Scoutnet.
Reports are required for the following items:
Cub Scouts
- Bobcat
- Tiger
- Wolf
- Bear
- Webelos
- Arrow of Light
Scouts BSA
- Scout
- Tenderfoot
- Second Class
- First Class
- Star
- Life
- Eagle
- All merit badges
- Venturing
- Discovery
- Pathfinder
- Summit
- Ranger
- Quartermaster
- Quest
- Shooting Sports Outstanding Achievement
Submitting Advancement Through the Internet:
- Select members from your existing roster.
- Review, update, or add ranks, merit badges, and/or awards.
- Access an online Review Unit Roster feature and the Unit Advancement Summary.
- Print an Advancement Report with a Unit Awards Summary to assist in purchasing.
To Use Internet Advancement:
- Select the unit advancement processor. This person must have Internet connectivity and Microsoft Internet Explorer.
- Obtain a unit ID code from the council.
- Gather information for advancement, including merit badge applications and advancement records with dates.
- Click Internet Advancement on this page. Follow the instructions in Internet Advancement to process advancements and print an advancement report.
Have the appropriate people sign the printed unit advancement report and submit it to the council. Make sure to save a copy for your files. Units should submit monthly, before the end of each month, or more often if needed.